Middle School

September 30, 2021

From the Middle School Principal's Desk

Dear Students and Parents,

Here we are quickly approaching the month of October! We have our Fall break coming up (starting Tue, Oct 12) as well as the end of our first academic quarter (Wed, Oct 27). We also have some exciting news to share: ALL students are welcome to return to campus starting this Sunday, October 3! It has been a long time coming, and we are very excited to see everyone back together. As you might expect, there will be a few changes in place as we begin next week.

We will move away from our current hybrid schedule (day A/B) and return to our regular 4-day schedule (shown below, without PACT-day timings):

Next week will look like this:

  • Sunday, October 3 will be a Day 1 - blocks 1, 2, 3, 4

  • Monday, October 4 will be a Day 2 - blocks 5, 6, 7, 8

  • Tuesday, October 5 will be a Day 3 - blocks 4, 2, 3, 1 - PACT Schedule

  • Wednesday, October 6 will be a Day 4 - blocks 8, 6, 7, 5

  • Thursday, October 7 will be a Day 1 - blocks 1, 2, 3, 4

It is understood that with all students back on campus, class sizes will increase (back to classes of 22 students). We will maintain a physical distance of 1 meter between students (as per ministry guidelines) and we will continue to ask students to wear masks while at school (according to ministry guidelines) except while eating or drinking.

For lunch, we ask that students continue to eat lunch in their classrooms for now (our Dining Hall and Coffee Beanery will not be open to students just yet). As the weather improves, we will also be able to have students eat outside. Students will eat with their current advisory groups, and then be able to go to a number of break locations: gym, courtyard, grade-level commons, library, and fields).

Synchronous Zoom Teaching

We will no longer provide synchronous Zoom sessions for students. Students who are not able to be present on campus are expected to visit their class Teneen page to check for assignments and materials. Students who are unable to attend campus should be in direct contact with their teachers about any work requirements.

Vaccination Status Check

The Ministry directive states that to access campus:

  1. Unvaccinated students who are eligible for the vaccine (12 years and older) must conduct a weekly rapid test or a PCR test approved by the MoPH.

  2. Students who have recovered from COVID-19 should provide evidence of this

  3. Students 12 years and older must be “Fully vaccinated”. This is defined as having received both shots, with at least two weeks having passed since the second shot.

During the first week of full reopening, students must be able to provide their negative test documentation, their evidence of having had COVID-19, or proof of vaccination (if not already submitted to the school) by Tuesday, October 5th at 8am, in order to access campus.

If your child is 12 or older, and you haven’t already submitted your proof of vaccination (and are vaccinated), please fill in the following form: (Click HERE to submit).

We appreciate there is much information within this email and thank you for your patience in reading it. Please know that we will do our utmost to ensure your children remain safe on their full return to school and that their experience is both positive and rewarding. We are immensely excited to have all our students return to campus and make our community truly whole again!

Have a great week everyone!

MAP Testing in the Middle School

Earlier this week, Middle School students took their first MAP tests in reading and math. Reports will be sent home shortly, once we are able to close the testing window school-wide. From a parent’s point of view, it’s helpful to know what your children’s MAP score means and what can you do to support them in their learning. One suggestion is to use this information to engage in goal setting. The MAP report will outline your child’s score range, growth, and percentile range, and also breaks down individual test performance into sub-areas.

Freedom from Chemical Dependency: Counselors Visit

Last week, MS and HS students were visited by counselors from the Freedom from Chemical Dependency (FCD) group. FCD Prevention Works (www.fcd.org), a part of the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation, is a leading international nonprofit provider of school-based substance abuse prevention services. Since 1976, this non-profit organization has taught over a million students of all ages. Their mission is to:

  • Encourage and support the non-use of alcohol and other illegal or illicit drugs during the growing years

  • Empower young people to make healthy, responsible choices

  • Teach students and adults how to recognize the early warning signs of substance abuse and to intervene appropriately

  • Educate students, parents, teachers, and administrators on the physiological and psychological effects of alcohol and other drugs

  • Promote awareness of drug addiction, including alcoholism, as a progressive, chronic and often fatal disease

  • Provide educational communities with the guidance and training necessary to implement comprehensive, effective approaches to substance abuse prevention

As part of their visit, they also held a parent presentation to share up-to-date facts about current drug use and trends, as well as how to identify early warning signs of trouble and effective ways to respond. Please find attached here a link to their presentation HERE (passcode is “XXXXXSX”).

Additional resources:

· Parenting for Prevention Factsheet (for parents)

· The Social Norms Perspective for Parents

· Top Questions Parents ask FCD

Personal Safety Lessons in the Middle School

Part of our school’s mission includes a focus on the personal development of all our students, which is only possible when all students feel safe and secure. In an effort to better support our students, our school will be engaging in a research-based Child-Protection program, designed specifically for international school students.

This program will include age-appropriate information about personal safety as well as child maltreatment. These lessons are a core element of ASD’s plan to protect the rights and safety of each and every student in our community. Lessons will be led by our Middle School Designated Leads (Counselors) and will be taught during the weeks of October 18-21 and November 22-28, 2021.

In each grade, the following key concepts and skills will be addressed:

1. IDENTIFY! - Students will learn how to identify safe and unsafe situations.

2. ACCESS! - Students will learn how to access support structures.

3. ACT! - Students will learn how to act to stay safe.

4. VALUE! - Students will learn how to value themselves and others.

Your child will receive a range of “Home Connection” activities to be completed with you following these lessons. Students are more likely to use and apply the information they have learned when they have multiple opportunities to practice and talk about it with parents and family. You play an essential role in helping your child know how to stay safe!

We will be having a Parent Information Session on Sunday, October 17 at 8:30 am (Zoom link). At this time, you will have the opportunity to learn more about the program, view the curriculum materials, and ask questions. For more information, please contact Tracy Murphy, Director of Student Support Services, at tracy.murphy@asd.edu.qa.

Haas Hansen Award & Application

The award recognizes Middle School students (Grades 6-8) at NESA member schools who model the character traits we value most in our students: consistency, persistence, a willingness to take risks, acceptance of other cultures/points of view and a genuine interest in and commitment to the welfare of others. The award is not meant to recognize academic, athletic or artistic talent or achievement, though applicants may excel in any or all of these areas. Four awards of $1000 USD are awarded to four deserving students. Over the years, ASD has had many students apply, and on a number of occasions, we have had students receive awards of recognition. We hope to continue this tradition!

Please see your grade-level counselor if decide to apply so that they can guide you through the process. APPLICATIONS ARE AVAILABLE THROUGH THE LINK BELOW:

· Haas Hansen Application

Haas Hansen Award -- Slides for Assembly (YEARLY)


Rob Gohr

Middle School Principal

American School of Doha

What's On MS

Sun, Oct 3

  • All Students on Campus!

  • MS/HS Day 1

Mon, Oct 4

  • MS/HS Day 2

Tue, Oct 5

  • MS/HS Day 3

  • PACT Tuesday, school dismissal at 12:30 pm

Wed, Oct 6

  • MS/HS Day 4

Thu, Oct 7

  • MS/HS Day 1

Be sure to visit our What's On MS Teneen page, for more information on divisional ASD events. Updated every FRIDAY!

Save the Date

  • Oct 12-16: Fall Break (no school)

  • Oct 20: Parent Advisory Forum

  • Oct 26: Parent Coffee with Counselors

  • Oct 27: End of quarter 1

  • Nov 3-4: Parent-Teacher-Student conferences

Check out our section on Teaching and Learning

A message from ASD Nursing

Greetings From ASD Nursing,

We are very pleased that we have received so many responses to our COVID-19 vaccination form. We are now able to more readily and quickly see who is vaccinated against COVID-19 and plan accordingly. If you have not yet filled out this form and you have a fully vaccinated student at home please click here to access it. Make sure you have the vaccination certificate or card accessible because a picture of it will need to be uploaded. Please also ensure that the documentation has the dates of both shots notated on it. According to the form responses, approximately 39% of our Middle School students and about 66% of our High School students are vaccinated against COVID-19. (Please be mindful that our MS population as a whole also includes students who are not yet eligible for vaccination based on age and the lower percentage reflects this.)

In addition, we also ask parents to be mindful in regards to student illness. If your student is out sick and they receive medical clearance but are still symptomatic and not well please keep them home until their symptoms resolve or are minimal. We have noticed that often if students are out for a longer period of time they will be reassessed by a doctor before giving final clearance to return to school.

Kind Regards,

ASD Nursing

A message from the HS Student tutoring Org

Hello ASD!

STO is an organization that can help you succeed in school – it is the opportunity for all students to be tutored in classes they're struggling in by our very own High School students (for free)! If this sounds interesting, sign up as a tutor and/or a learner by using this linked form (which will be available all year round on the STO Teneen page under the “Extras” tab). After signing up, students will be matched with a tutor who will reach out to them to discuss a convenient time.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Gauri Sharma (24gsharma@asd.edu.qa), Prakrithi Jayanth (24pjayanth@asd.edu.qa), or our sponsor Mrs. Cice (kcice@asd.edu.qa).

Thank you!

The STO Executive Team

Gauri Sharma, Prakrithi Jayanth, Olivia Zanolari, Mrs. Cice

A Message from Admissions

Dear Parents,

Is your son or daughter turning three or four years of age by August 31, 2022? Are you interested in applying for our Pre-K 3 or Pre-K 4 programs for the 2022-2023 academic year? If so, please complete our online application as soon as possible!

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact the Office of Admissions at admissions@asd.edu.qa or by phone at +974 4459 1511.

We look forward to receiving your child’s application soon!


Scott Barnwell

Director of Admissions

From our School Community

Booster Club Parent Volunteers Needed!

The Booster Club consists of parent volunteers whose primary goal is to support the Athletics and Activities program across all the divisions at the American School of Doha. Booster Club's main goal is to promote the school spirit within the ASD community and beyond. Please let us know if you can spare any of your time to help our community and join us by filling out the form HERE. We have specific areas of need or you can just sign up to receive any of our community emails.

Booster Club Online Store

Our ASD Booster Store Online Catalog includes the store's most popular items so be ready to show your dragon spirit. The Booster Club provides positive support and assistance to the American School of Doha Athletics and Activities Program for all school divisions.

Shop Online by clicking on the link below; pick up your purchased items at school! The orders will be delivered on a weekly basis to each student and ASD staff.

Please fill out THIS form to purchase your items after you have explored the Catalog below!

Click HERE for the Booster Club catalog.

AMA welcomes back the ASD community and wishes you all a wonderful year ahead.

Please visit our page to see all the activities AMA is involved in.

If you would like to be added to the AMA registry to find out more about what we do, please join here

If you would like to contact us, have ideas to share or would like to volunteer on the committee please email ama@asd.edu.qa