High School Transition

Strong Transitions, Safe Transitions

High School FAQs

Transitioning into High School can be challenging for some students. Below, you will find a list of Frequently Asked Questions from our Middle School students answered by our High School students, and approved by our High School counselors.


Who is my counselor?

Beginning this year, students are randomly assigned to a HS Counselor. Your counselor assignment is listed on your PowerSchool account under Personal Information - Academic Information.


How many classes do I take each year?

Throughout Grades 9, 10 and 11 you have a minimum of 7 classes and a maximum of 8. In the Grade 12, you have the option of taking 6.

What is a four-year plan? When do I do this? With who? Why?

A four year plan is a page that forecasts courses that you want to take to graduate. Every year during course selection time many students work on their four year plan with their counselor to make sure that they will graduate and get to the college or university program that they want.

Does it count if you take outside of school classes, like language arts & art? Summer classes?

Students can only take one summer or online course and have it count on their transcript. This course shows up as a transfer credit on their transcript with a grade of P for pass or F for fail.

Are you forced to take art and drama classes?

Not necessarily, you are required to take a year or two semesters of visual or performing arts to graduate, but there are many choices of courses to take.

How many fine arts classes can you take in one year?

Students can take multiple fine arts classes in one year. Students must make sure they are fulfilling their graduation requirements and taking courses that will satisfy university entrance requirements.

What classes count as electives? How many electives do you get each year?

Electives are any courses you choose to take above and beyond the minimum required in each subject area.

How do electives work? What if you take both music and world language, do you get electives? How do you decide?

As soon as you have taken 2 world language credits, your third becomes an elective because you have already met the graduation requirements.

Do you have to do course selection & scheduling if you are moving?

Yes. we require students who are moving to fill in course selections.

Can you double up in math? How is this decided? What year is this recommended if you need to get caught up or ahead?

Yes, you can, however you need to maintain a certain grade and show your math teacher and counselor that you have the ability to do so.

What MAPs scores do you need in Math & Reading to be recommended to more advanced classes? What goes into course recommendations?

MAPs scores have nothing to do with course recommendations. Previous marks as well as teacher recommendations dictate what courses students should go into.

What are the English courses in HS? Is there a specific writing course?

In Grade 9, students may take a writer’s lab course in order to improve their writing. This is a course that is recommended by their Grade 8 Language Arts teacher. Journalism is a new English elective course being offered this year for any student who is interested in learning more about Journalism. In each grade level, there is an English class that must be taken that as a core English class, for example, English 9,10,11 and 12. In Grades 11 & 12, students may take more rigorous English courses through the IB and AP. It is important to note that you are required to have 4 English credits to graduate.

How do CAS hours work?

CAS hours apply to you if you’re going to be taking the IB diploma (which you start in Grade 11). They are essentially service hours, but they are split up into 3 different categories, Creativity, Action and Service.

Creativity hours are anything that deal with arts, so it could be an outside art class, or being involved in the play etc..

Action hours are sports and Service hours could be going on a service trip, helping out in elementary etc.. For each these you should have at least 3 majors and 3 minors. Majors are activities that you do for a long period of time, and minors are things that could last for a short period of time.


What are some of the most important differences between Middle School and High School that I need to know?

The important differences to keep in mind are exams, the change in schedule, increased work load, free blocks and navigating yourself around a much larger campus. It is also important to keep in mind that your grades matter a lot more than they did in middle school, as your high school grades are sent out to colleges to determine admission.

What are the difficulties in High School that Grade 9 students often face?

The biggest difficulty would be the intensity of the subjects being taken because the level of understanding needs to be more developed for high school.

Why is High School easier for some students, and more difficult for others?

The biggest reason that the level of difficulty varies between students is because some students have better time management skills. If you learn to manage your time in an efficient manner, nothing you take on should be overwhelming.

What are some of the most common challenges in High School?

One of the most common problems that many people face in high school is not being ready for what comes next. It’s a big key to success to be able to anticipate what will be coming up. Whether it's what class you have next or how you should manage doing your homework for the next day, you need to be prepared for what comes next.

How much more freedom will I have in High School and how do I manage those freedoms well?

One of the freedoms that you get in high school that you didn’t have in middle school is free blocks. A great way to manage your free block is to do whatever homework you have assigned for the next day.

What advice should I give myself for the transition to High School?

Some of the most valuable tips that you could give yourself in order for the transition to go smoothly is to make sure you maintain good study habits and stay organized while completing your work.

High School is a very fun time but you need to make sure that you keep those organization and time management skills up to par. It is also important to try to join clubs and do extracurriculars as a way to put yourself out there and meet new people.

What is the High School schedule?

The High School schedule stats with class at 8:00 am.

The first class of the day usually finishes at 9:30 am, followed by a 20-minute break.

The second class finishes at 11:20 am. You then have a 5 minute transition break to change classes.

The third class of the day is from 11:25 am - 12:55 pm. After that we have a lunch break lasting from 12:55 - 1:30 pm when class resumes.

The last block of the day is from 1:30 - 3:00 pm then you get to go home.

How does the study period work?

Study period is a block that's in your schedule that is not filled by a class. You must stay at school during this time. A great way to use your free time is to finish up your work so you have less to do at home. Your study block can be taken away if you are falling behind in your school work or if your attendance needs to improve.


What are the differences in how homework is handled High School? What are the consequences if homework is late or if I forget to finish it? Does homework count towards grading in High School?

A lot of it depends on the teacher you have. Some teachers will give out referrals if the work is incomplete which could lead to detention while other teachers will have a more lax policy. Homework will not influence your grade in that class, however it will be put in PowerSchool as a formative grade and will reflect your overall effort in the class.

What do I need to know in advance to make sure I make good choices and things don’t go on my permanent transcript?

Always think before you act. Think about the outcomes of your actions and how they can affect you and your high school career.

How much homework is required for a typical High School course? What strategies do I need to manage the increase in homework?

For a typical set of High School classes you should be working about 1.5-2 hours per night. A good way to manage the workload is to divide it evenly per night. So instead of working 1 hour one on one night and then 3 hours the next night, you should work 2 hours each night.

How is the grading system different in High School? How does grading work?

While A-F grades will still be used in the HS, the grading process is becoming much more similar to the standards based approach you are used to in middle school. At the start of each course a syllabus will be provided that explains the expectations.

Almost all classes will have an exam in March. Furthermore, AP and IB classes have GPA boosts associated with them that bump up your GPA by a certain margin.

Does your GPA build up as you go through High School? Does it go up each year? Do only some classes count in your GPA? Or all of them? How does GPA work?

Each semester your cumulative GPA changes based on the classes you take and the grades you earn. Your GPA will rise or fall each semester, depending on your performance. All classes will count towards your GPA yet some will count for more (AP, IB), which provide GPA boosts yet tend to be more difficult in nature.

At the end of high school, your transcript will show your cumulative GPA over the past four years.


How do you study for exams in High School and are there retakes?

Your teachers will provide you with plenty of feedback leading up to assessments to help you prepare. While everyone develops their own study method, some of the important things to take into account when leading up to an exam is to put time aside for yourself to study extra and make yourself a solid daily study plan in the weeks leading up to exams.

One of the other keys to studying for exams is to get rid of all distractions while studying (phones, noise, uncomfortable positions, etc.). If you have the time, you should also consider staying after school with teachers if they offer study sessions.

Another useful way is to study is also to form study groups that can meet regularly to go over any material that needs to be reviewed.

How do I learn to manage my test anxiety?

Just remember that one test will not determine how you will be as a student for the rest of the year. There is always room for improvement.

What are the test taking skills needed for success?

Take your time and really focus on the question being asked. Make sure to read the question carefully and be ready to apply the knowledge you possess in different ways than you may expect.


What study skills will I need for High School and which ones need emphasis?

Time management is the most important study skill in High School because it allows you to manage the workload of high school and decrease the stress that comes with it.

How do I handle the increase in workload in High School?

Try to get work done as soon as possible so that the work doesn't build up over time. Use your free periods wisely in order to decrease the workload. Lastly, do not procrastinate!

What strategies do I need to manage my time?

Create a schedule for yourself and keep it updated everyday. You can use your planner as a way to keep track of yourself and see what needs to be done. Try to prioritize your tasks by putting your harder and longer assignments that typically count more first then putting less important work after. Avoid cramming everything in one night.

What do I have to do to be more organized for High School?

A great way to stay organized is to have an agenda for what needs to get done and in what order. Another more convenient way to plan is to keep a note tab on your phone for what homework is assigned throughout the day.

What are the most important skills I need for High School?

Organization and time management are two of the most important skills needed for High School.

What strategies do I need to be efficient with my homework and studying in High School?

Even though procrastination always seems to affect High School students, managing your time will make doing homework and studying much easier and will help lower stress levels.

What are the consequences of failing classes?

Failing a class may result in you having to take it again the next year. It will also drastically reduce your GPA.

How do you study effectively in High School?

Take notes during the class period and review them the same day to keep the information fresh in your mind. Be sure to ask questions if you do not understand something as you review. Reviewing a little each night will make preparing for a test or exam easier because the information needed will already be well understood.

How will my study tactics change in High School?

As your course load gets heavier there will be less time to study for each course individually and time-management becomes crucial. You might face certain situations where you have to forego study time in one area for more time in another, based on your priorities. Also, study tactics tend to become more efficient each year as you the learn the best techniques that work for you.

What is the impact of missing a day of school? How are tardies and absences handled in the HS? Are there extensions on work? Is it hard to catch up after missing a day of school?

Missing a day of school can result in an unexcused absence unless your parents have called in saying that you are going to miss school.

The same goes for tardies. Unless you have a pass, your tardies are unexcused.

If you have more than 6 absences in a class, you will not earn the credit which may result in you having to take the course again. It is typically hard to catch up unless you have checked NVS, asked a classmate, and emailed the teacher on the day you missed school.

Always check NVS FIRST. If you are unsure, ask then ask a classmate. If you are still not sure about the work you missed, then ask a teacher.

Do we have to use OneNote? Do HS computers have the same rules for usage as MS Macs?

Some teachers require that you use OneNote while others don’t. OneNote is a very effective tool for taking notes in high school because you are able to type and write/draw using the tablet. The rules are a bit different and you have done more freedom with usage but appropriate usage is still expected.


What kind of help is there in High School and who is available?

Counsellors are available to help. Not always though as they are typically meeting with other students. If you really need to see your counsellor then schedule an appointment with them.

Also there are many teachers that are open for you to go and talk to them. Additionally, you can meet with a tutor by requesting one from the student tutoring organization, depending on the subject you wish to be tutored in and get the help you need.

How do I communicate effectively and get help from High School teachers? Will teachers expect more of me and what are the expectations?

Emailing or going to actually see the teacher is an effective way to get help. Teachers will expect more of you in terms of catching up with classes that you may have missed as well as the quality of your work.

What universities will get a student a job straight away?

The truth is that there are not many universities that will get you a job straight away. The best way to get a job quickly is to work hard at what you do and to be very perseverant. Although, some universities have programs with certain companies that look to hire exceptional students during university as they come close to finishing their degrees.

Will HS counselors help me find the right college for me? How do you help me with that?

High School counselors will help you with all of the options you have in terms of post-secondary education. After you give thought as to what field of work you want to go into, they will help you look at different schools that would fit your needs best.


How do I manage my own stress in High School?

In order to manage your stress in High School, it’s important that you find a healthy way to relieve the stress built up inside. It could be going for a bike ride, painting a picture, playing video games or skateboarding. It’s up to you to find what works best for your personality. Keep a good balance between working and having time to yourself to perform fun activities, where you can reward yourself for working hard.

Why is High School more stressful than Middle School?

One of the main reasons is because of the workload. However other things can play a role in contributing to stress such as friends, family, etc. Another reason is the fact that you are applying to colleges.

What strategies do I need to handle the increased stress of High School?

A great way to manage your stress in High School is to make sure that your work and personal time is balanced. Even if you work for hours on end with no sleep, it’s just as unhealthy to have too much work and not enough personal time and vice versa.


How will I balance my family, social life, my activities, school work, and health (i.e., sleep, eating, exercise)?

If you manage your time wisely then balancing all those things will be easy. Try getting work done earlier which will free up time somewhere else which can be spent doing something you like.

What time does the average High Schooler go to bed? How much sleep per night will I need to stay healthy?

Normally, you should be getting about 9 - 11 hours of sleep per night in order to have enough energy to take on the next day but realistically you will probably sleep for 7.5 - 8.5 hours per week night. It’s important to sleep more on the weekends to recuperate from the lost sleep during the week.

How can I prepare for High School (intellectually and personally)?

Be prepared to work hard and learn about a wide variety of subjects. Personally just be yourself and you will see yourself develop and mature as time goes by.

How can students double up in mathematics (or science) and still have a balanced life (social, family, extracurricular)

Doubling-up simply means you will have to allocate extra time toward this extra course, which may realistically affect this balanced lifestyle. However, students will develop systems over time to deal with the course-load and keep a balanced routine between extracurriculars, family and social time.


How will friendships change from Middle School to High School? What do I need to be aware of? How do I prepare for these changes?

It’s important to keep in mind that you may grow apart from your friends from Middle School because you do not have the same classes and may not see them as often.

Also, know that people change. You yourself will most likely change as well. You will also meet other people and find yourself hanging out with them more than your Middle School friends simply because you might get along with them better.


What are the extracurricular activities offered in High School? How do I determine which activities I can manage?

You can take part in activities such as athletics through MESAC with the opportunity of participating in a tournament at the end of the season along with other pupils from your school and other schools.

There’s also the opportunity to enlist in any sort of arts, such as drama, in which is preparation for the annual school play, or other subjects such as art or choir.

There are also other clubs to appeal to everyone’s taste if they see themselves more as a public speaker such as the MUN (Modern United Nations) club in which they role play a MUN meeting with other schools representing different countries and how to approach certain world problems, or could aim for something of a smaller magnitude such as student council.

Why is it important to be involved in activities in High School? What kind of extracurricular activities do colleges look for?

Take part in activities in High School which you enjoy, this will help with some of the stress that comes with working all day long. Colleges do not necessarily look for a certain type of extracurricular activity, they just want to see that you’re applying yourself outside of school and becoming your own person (developing character).

How does traveling impact keeping up with my classes? What strategies do I need in and out of school to make sure I can do both well?

Make sure to meet with teachers before you leave to arrange the coursework you will need to do while you are gone. You can also send them an email, and spend some time while you are away to complete the work that you have missed.

How do you become an after school High School tutor? What skills do you need to tutor kids?

To become a tutor, simply fill out the tutoring survey found on NVS which pertains to the subjects you would like to tutor students in. All you really need is a proficient understanding of the subject as well as a clear ability to convey this information to other students, as well as answering any questions they may have.

Is it possible to be kicked-off an ASD sports team for not having a certain GPA?

You can get kicked off a sports team if you have 2 D’s or 1 F in any one of your classes.


Are service hours required in High School? What is Learning Service?

Instead of adding up service hours, ASD students are required to complete a learning service project each year that they are enrolled in ASD’s High School.

The final assessment of successful completion will be participation in the ASD High School’s year end Celebration of Learning Service where students will be required to create a display using a variety of media that demonstrates their learning.

Students will be provided with time during the school day each week to help plan and affect their projects. It is an understanding that students will still have to work outside of that time to complete their projects and their learning service.


What are the recommendations for foreign language in HS?

If you have been taking a foreign language in MS, then it is highly recommended to continue taking it.

Is it recommended to do more than 2 years of foreign language in High School?

Yes, although it is not required, it is recommended.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking language beyond the 2 year requirement?

Advantages can be improved skills and a better transcript for colleges. Disadvantages might be that there is no room in your schedule for other classes and it might add to your workload.


Do you take AP or IB only for Grade 11 & 12? Or do you start in Grade 9?

You can take AP/IB courses in Grade 10 as well. It is rare that Grade 9 students take an AP course.

What is the IB and AP system in high school? How do I choose between them? Do we need to be very good in the subject to get into AP or IB? What do I need to know?

You can choose between AP or IB, or a mix of the two, mostly based on what your interests are, the duration of the courses you would like, and possibly the country you may apply to college. Your options will be discussed with you more in the Grade 10.

To get into an AP/IB class, you will need some form of recommendation or a certain grade achieved in the previous year.

For IB, how many IB courses do we have to take for an IB diploma?

It’s required to take 6 IB courses with another mandatory course known as TOK (Theory of Knowledge). Within these 6 IB topics, it’s required for the student to take the IB English course, any level of IB mathematics, 1 social study, 1 language course (French, Spanish, Arabic) and at least 1 science being either Physics, Biology, or Chemistry with the choice to take 2 or even all 3.

Why is IB or AP better for different colleges? Will a competitive college in America take AP over IB? Do American colleges look for AP or IB classes? Which is harder and more prestigious - AP or IB and why?

AP and IB both indicate to colleges and universities that a student has challenged themselves in High School. Most universities recognize both programs equally.

When I move from ASD during High School, will my classes transfer? What if I am in AP or IB? What if they don't have AP or IB where I am moving?

If you move through High School, your transcript will follow you. If you do transfer during High School, it’s very important for you to find a school that offers a similar program to your previous school.

What are the requirements in the IB Diploma program? When do students start taking IB?

There are no set requirements for taking the IB but there are individual prerequisites for each course. The IB is very rigorous so students must be prepared to extend their time management skills. Students will start taking the IB diploma in Grade 11 since its a 2 year course. The IB diploma requires you to take 3 higher level classes making you look more into depth in a subject when reviewing certain units.

What is the math sequencing for AP? for IB? If you love math, how do you decide?

AP - Algebra 1 - Geometry - Algebra 2 trig~ Pre Calculus with limits - AP Calculus AB.

IB - Algebra 1 - Geometry - Algebra 2 trig - IB Mathematics SL/HL..

Can I take 2 math classes next year and Biology?

Yes, but you must realize that you will not have any room in your timetable to take visual and performing arts.


What are SATs and ACTs? When are they? How do you prepare?

The SAT and ACT are standardized tests that are required for admission to most universities. You only need to take one or the other; not both. You can take this test anytime during your high school career, yet it is recommended to take it in the -11th and 12th years since one tends to be more knowledgeable.

You can retake the test as many times as you like if you are not pleased with your score, and should begin preparing months in advance. You can prepare for the test using Khan Academy online, purchasing an SAT or ACT practice book (available online or in certain bookstores), or signing up for an SAT/ACT prep course.

These tests are used to help universities better understand your capabilities as a student and high scores can help you get into more challenging universities.

Which test should I take?

Students are free to choose either test and they are very similar. Universities accept both.

Do I need to take a review course? Why or why not?

You do not have to but it may be beneficial for some students.


What are the things you need to do each year (Grade 9, 10, 11, 12) to prepare for college. When do you start considering colleges and contacting them? When do you start sending applications to colleges?

Each year, students should make sure they are taking challenging courses while maintaining good grades. They should also make sure that they are contributing to the school community through extracurricular activities. Students begin to research colleges in the winter of their Grade 11 year. Students start applying to colleges on the fall of their senior year.

Still have question? Feel free to contact the counselors below.

Dr. Aaron Jones aaron.jones@asd.edu.qa

Mr. Izzet Sengel isengel@asd.edu.qa

Ms. Emilee Tollefson etollefson@asd.edu.qa