Physical Education Uniform

All students in from Pre-K to Grade 10 participate in Physical Education (PE) classes at the American School of Doha and students are required to wear a school PE uniform on those days in which they participate in PE.
ASDoha provides the option of a new physical education uniform using a performance material with a high level of functionality, comfort and durability, provided by Noble House. The PE uniforms will offer an in-built quick dry feature with a moisture management system to cope with the extreme climate conditions in Qatar.
For more detailed information about uniform sizes and prices, please see the Noble House Brochure.
Throughout the year, ASD sells school shirts in support of events that take place at ASD (i.e. International Day, Friendship Festival). These shirts can also be worn as PE uniforms.
Elementary School PE Uniform
On PE days, students in Pre-K to Grade 5 must wear the PE uniform to school with appropriate sports shoes. The uniform may also be worn on non-PE days.
PE uniforms are expected to be labeled with the child’s full name and class on the small tag located on the shirt and shorts (i.e. Joel White 5A). During colder months, track or sweatpants may be worn along with the standard PE shirt and shoes. During swimming days, students must also bring/wear a swimming suit, cap, and towel.
Middle School
Students are required to wear a PE uniform for their physical education classes. Uniforms are to be brought to school and changed into before and out of after PE class. Students have access to lockers in the changing rooms and it is recommended students have a separate lock for the PE lockers.
High School
High school students in Grades 9 and 10 are required to take PE, Grades 11 and 12 PE is offered as an elective credit. Students are required to wear a PE uniform for their physical education classes. PE Uniforms are to be brought to school and changed into before and out of after PE class. Students have access to lockers in the changing rooms and it is recommended students have a separate lock for the PE lockers.