How to Order from the Cafeteria through the DragonCard PortaL
How to Order from the Cafeteria through the DragonCard PortaL
Parents can order lunch for their children from Jazz Cafe, our ASD Cafeteria, through the ASD DragonCard Portal. Please understand that orders must be submitted through the DragonCard portal by 6:00 am for your student to have lunch delivered that same day. The cut-off time for canceling a meal (in the case of a student missing school or an order mistake) is at 8:30 am the morning of the school day the meal was intended for. For more detailed instructions on ordering through the DragonCard Portal, please view the resources below.
For questions/assistance with ordering, please contact ASD IT Helpdesk at
Lunch Ordering Video Tutorial
Lunch Ordering Video Tutorial

Lunch Ordering Guide
Lunch Ordering Guide