Middle School

August 19, 2021

From the Middle School Principal's Desk

Dear Students and Parents,

It is my pleasure to welcome everyone to the 2021-2022 academic year! We are very excited to see our students back on campus again and have been working diligently to prepare for their return. As communicated earlier, we will begin this year with a hybrid schedule, similar to what we had in place last year.

First Days of School: August 23 & 24

All students have been placed into “A” group or “B” group (based on last name). Monday, August 23 will be the first day Group A students will attend in person, while Group B students attend online from home using Teneen (Link here). The next day (August 24), Group B students will attend school in person and Group A students will attend online from home. This cycle of A and B days will repeat as long as we remain in hybrid.

We will also continue with our safety protocols while at school:

· Masks at all times for everyone

· Disinfect environments daily / sanitize hands

· Students placed in cohorts for safety

· Students physically distanced 1.5m apart

· No use of lockers (students bring materials to classes)

When at home for their learning experience, students are expected to join their classes online for the start of their class (according to their PowerSchool schedule). Students will be asked to use Zoom to join their classes virtually, and MUST use their ASD email address to log-in. This is part of our school’s authentication system and if not followed, students won’t be able to join their classes online.

School begins at 8:00 am each day, for ALL students (A and B groups). If you attend school on B-days (according to PowerSchool), you will join your advisory class (called “SWAT” for Super Wicked Advisory Time) for the first block online. Please be sure to check your class Teneen page for the Zoom link. All other students (A-day) will attend their SWAT class in person.

When coming to school, we ask that MS students enter via Gate 10 (parking lot) unless arriving with a sibling at a different gate. Please note that our gates open at 7:40 am. Once on campus, we ask all students to head directly to their SWAT/advisory classroom. Students should bring their school ID with them to speed up access to campus.

Students are asked to bring all school supplies on the first day, but should bring something to write with and something to write on. Your teachers will give you more direction on what to bring for your next classes. Students should also bring a reusable water bottle; there are refill stations in each grade-level common area.

Student Schedules

Student schedules will be made available on the PowerSchool Portal by Sunday, August 22. If there are issues with your schedule, please contact your child’s counselors:

o Grade 6 (Annalice Hayes)

o Grade 7 (Xuan Luo)

o Grade 8 (Jen Hammonds) & Grade 8 (Julie Howell).

Lunch will take place in classrooms (with their cohorts). While our dining hall is momentarily closed, students are able to order meals that will be delivered to students (orders must be placed at least the day before using the online order link). Please note that students will not have access to microwaves to reheat food.

Please find included below a short screencast on how to access your daily schedule in PowerSchool (reminder for those who forgot), as well as a short video on how to navigate Teneen pages:

· How to access my daily schedule

· Using Teneen

We hosted our New Student Orientation Presentations today. For those new families unable to start school with us, our counselors have put together a “Virtual tour of our MS”. We have recorded the presentation for those unable to attend, please see below:

New family orientation video

New family orientation presentation

It is truly a privilege to be part of a community where parents, teachers, and students care for each other and strive to build positive relationships that support academic and personal growth. This is going to be a very special year at ASD and we are looking forward to connecting with you soon. Once again, welcome back!


Rob Gohr

Middle School Principal

American School of Doha

What's on Ms

Updated Every Friday in Teneen!

Be sure to visit our MS Teneen page, for up-to-date information.

What's On MS

Sun, Aug 22

  • New Student Orientation

Mon, Aug 23

  • First Day of 2021-2022 School Year

  • Day A on site

Tue, Aug 24

  • Day B on site

Wed, Aug 25

  • Day A on site

Thu, Aug 26

  • Day B on site

Check out our section on Teaching and Learning

Bus Registration 2021-2022

Dear ASD Parents,

Bus service is scheduled to begin on Sunday, August 29 (Day A).

Registration for this year’s bus ridership is now at full capacity and schedules are already being finalized.

If you still wish to register your student(s) please fill out the Bus Service Application Form 2021 - 2022 via this LINK and you will be placed on a waitlist.

We will do our best to accommodate your request as spots become available depending upon routes and bus capacity limitations.

A Message from ASD Nursing

Greetings From ASD Nursing,

The Nursing Department is busy trying to gauge how many of our eligible students have already been FULLY vaccinated against COVID-19. If your child has received the COVID-19 vaccine, please fill out the survey. If your child has not received the vaccine yet but you plan to have them vaccinated, please wait until your student is fully vaccinated before filling out this survey. The survey will remain active until further notice. In addition, if you have more than one vaccinated student in your house please fill out the survey for EACH vaccinated student. Please do not combine students in one survey response. We look forward to sharing this information with you all as we get responses. Looking forward to a safe, healthy, and productive school year.

Please fill out the form HERE.

Outlaw selects Basketball Camp

It’s on! Coach Outlaw will be arriving in Doha on August 20th, 2022. This is exciting news for all of us in the ASD community, to have some fun with developing skills and playing the game of basketball that we love! The dates and times are set! The link to the website to register your child is provided below.

We are offering a two-day camp for students grades 3-7. We are also offering workout sessions for grades 8-12. More information is provided in the link to the website HERE.

Due to restrictions and no further updates from the Ministry for athletic activities at schools, we have partnered with A I Sports & Outlaw Basketball to provide the camps and workout sessions at The Qatar Basketball Federation (QBF). Outlaw Basketball has offered our students a chance to be a part of either the Select Camps (grades 3-7) or the Select Personal Training Sessions (grades 8-12) program, which makes it exclusively available to students at ASD.

The cool part about all of this is that the facilities at The Qatar Basketball Federation are state of the art! We are also excited that ASD basketball coaches will be working as volunteers with Coach Outlaw. Additionally, the new highway system in Doha creates easy access to QBF.

We appreciate your flexibility and patience throughout this process. Being able to provide this incredible opportunity with a coach from the highest level of basketball during a pandemic was challenging to say the least, but we are finally ready to go!

Can’t wait to see everyone there!

Coach Dodd

Link to website

A Message from the Business Office

Dear Parents,

First semester invoices for the 2021/22 SY are due by Tuesday, August 24, 2021. Thank you to the majority of families who have already paid tuition fees. If you are a private pay parent and still need to settle your first-semester invoice, please approach the Business Office between the hours of 7:45 am and 3:45 pm.

Business Office

Tel: 4499-1144 or 4459-1520

Email: htziatas@asd.edu.qa or lvega@asd.edu.qa