November 11, 2021
From the Office of The Director Steve Razidlo
Dear ASD Families,
Across the world in American schools veterans of military service are honored. Service to country, attached to Veteran’s Day remembrances, is celebrated forcefully and publicly in the United States. Importantly, Veteran’s Day in the United States began in close connection with the anniversary of the armistice -- or agreement to halt hostilities -- in Europe over 100 years ago. Here at ASD, at least six of our faculty and administration (pictured below) have served in the U.S. Armed Forces, and we extend our respect and appreciation to them and to all veterans on this day.
Veterans pictured with ASD Director Steve Razidlo from left to right: Matt Smith, Zach McCabe, Brian Wright, Mike Olsen, Troy Redd, and Riley Du Bois.
This week’s school business included restarting after school activities for Elementary students. Playground areas and the soccer fields were alive again with groups of students learning, playing, and growing...and returning slowly to patterns of positive, active student life.
Looking ahead, ASD is currently re-examining our overall communications portfolio. From our own analysis of Sahifa/Teneen communications, we see 55 - 70% ‘open’ rates. From parent and staff feedback, we are reviewing the possibility of changing Sahifa to a bi-weekly (twice monthly) newsletter, and to re-launching other helpful tools like Classlink to better streamline and support your school communications. Please help us by completing the poll below and feel free to add feedback in the comments section of the poll.
Lastly, we also want to continue to share a friendly reminder based on our school core values of Respect and Responsibility. Safety of all ASD students -- of all our children -- is paramount, and with regard to safety, we need your help! We remind everyone to please follow pick up and drop off rules, to drive extra slowly through drop off and pick up zones, and be courteous to the many families who live in the surrounding area of the school. If your family is using a service for pick up and drop off of your students, please relay our message as well. We thank our entire security team for their amazing efforts at pickup and drop off every day, and yet ask for all of us to support collective vigilance.
Steve Razidlo
Director of the American School of Doha
What's On ASD
Sat, Nov 13
Senior Photos at ASD, Registration Required
Sun, Nov 14
HS/MS Day 3
Mon, Nov 15
HS/MS Day 4
MS/HS AMA Karak & Chapati Sale, 7:20 am - 2:00 pm, MS/HS Fountain
UES Principal’s Coffee, ESPR (in-person), 9:00 am - 10:00 am, Register HERE
ES Spirit Day - Role Model Monday (Dress as your Favorite Person Day)
Tue, Nov 16
HS/MS Day 1,
PACT Tuesday, 12:30 pm Dismissal
MS Parent Counselor Coffee, 8:00 am - 10:00 am, via Zoom
Wed, Nov 17
HS/MS Day 2
ES Open House, ES MPR, 9:30 am - 11:00 am, Registration Required
Booster Club Season 1 Awards Night (TBD)
Thu, Nov 18
HS/MS Day 3
Fri, Nov 19
MS/HS Booster Club 3X3 Basketball Tournament, Registration Required
Sat, Nov 20
Senior Photos at ASD, Registration Required
BFHA Meet & Greet, MS Courtyard, 10:00 am - 11:30 am, Register HERE
Check out our section on Teaching and Learning
A Message from the Leadership team
A message from the Business Office
Parents, if your family is moving from Doha, and your child will be withdrawing from ASD, please notify Admissions immediately. According to policy, for first semester, private pay tuition will be refunded after the later of the 45 day written notice period or the last day of attendance. Full 2nd semester tuition is due and payable for any student enrolled at the start of the second semester, no refunds will be made. For any questions on the refund policy, please contact the Business Office.
Contact the Business Office at:
Tel: 4499-1144 or 4459-1520
Pret-A-Portrait order info

Little Shop of Horrors
Dear ASD Community,
THANK YOU for ordering your Little Shop of Horrors tickets. Unfortunately, due to unexpected circumstances, we are required to change the dates of our performance.
If you have been charged for tickets, we will be refunding your current purchase onto your DragonCard. Once refunds have been made, tickets for the new dates will go on sale; using the link below or the QR code. Tickets for the new show dates will go on sale on SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14.
We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused, but we are looking forward to welcoming you into the theatre in December!
The Little Shop Creative Team
From our School Community
PTA Culture: November Happenings in Qatar
Qatar is full of exciting events year round. November highlights include exhibition openings, events, programs and such in the art/culture/tourism sector. For more information on events, please click here or contact Roqueya at
CAST is BACK and we need YOU! Are you a parent that would like to volunteer for CAST (Creative Arts Support Team)? Do you have a love for the Arts? Costuming? Front Of House? Design? Or Hospitality? Would you like to join a fun and creative team? If so, please fill in the google form or reach out to Jennifer Bendriss for information. We cannot wait to work with YOU!