Lower Elementary

August 19, 2021

From the Lower Elementary Principal’s Desk

Welcome to the 2021/2022 school year at the American School of Doha,

On behalf of all Lower Elementary faculty and staff, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the Lower Elementary Division. We are presently preparing for the start of this new academic year and we are all eagerly awaiting your child’s arrival at school. We are looking forward to a very memorable, learning filled year.

Hybrid School Attendance

During Hybrid students will be attending school on an alternating day schedule. Students will be divided into A/B Groups. Students’ class placement and A/B group designation will be available on PowerSchool by the end of the workday on Thursday, August 19.

First Day of School

· Monday, Aug 23 – Group A

· Tuesday, Aug 24 – Group B

Please note that Group B students will be assigned work to be completed at home on Monday, August 23.

Hybrid Schedule - First Week of School

Please note that bussing will not start until August 29. For information or queries regarding bussing please view the Bus Registration Sahifa Page HERE.

In order to facilitate a smoother start to the school day and to transition students with ample adult support during the first week of school, we have staggered the school day start times for different grades for the first week of school as indicated below.

Staggered Start of School Times for Week One

  • Grades KG, 1 & 2 – regular school start time – arrival between 7:40 am - 7:55 am

  • Pre-K 3 & Pre-K 4 – staggered start for week 1

    • Pre-K 4 arrival 8:00 am – 8:25 am

    • Pre-K 3 arrival 8:30 am – 8:55 am

Starting the week of August 29, the school day will start at 8:00 am for all grades. Students will be welcomed on campus starting at 7:40 am and should arrive by 7:55 am.

Important Drop-off & Pick-up Information

Due to COVID-19 related safety procedures, parents are unable to enter school during morning drop-off. In the morning, for drop-off, Lower Elementary School students should enter the school through Gate 6. Gate 6 opens at 7:40 am. Before school supervision starts at 7:40 am and therefore for safety reasons students should not be on campus until that time.

As students enter Grade 6, they will be supervised by Lower Elementary School Staff. Students will be asked to sanitize their hands and their temperature will be checked. Pre-K3, Pre-K 4 and KG students will be escorted to the MPR where they will be met by their learning assistants who will take them to class. Students in Grades 1 and 2 will be directed to their classrooms by supervising staff. Students riding buses will be escorted by their bus monitors into school, with Pre-K 3, Pre-K 4 and KG students being taken to the MPR and Grade 1 and 2 students directed to their classrooms. There will be plenty of staff members to supervise students at all times.

In the afternoon, bus riders in Lower Elementary School will be escorted to their busses. Car riders will be escorted to designated dismissal locations where they will be supervised until they are picked up by their parents. Please note that parents are able to enter through Gate 6 at dismissal time.

Dismissal Locations

· Pre-K 3, Pre-K 4 & KG - MPR

· Grades 1 & 2 – Elementary Gym

Both these locations are accessible through and close to Gate 6. Staff will be on duty to direct parents to these locations. Fifteen minutes after dismissal time, students who are not picked up will be escorted to the Elementary Office where they will be supervised until their parents arrive.

Principal/Counselor Parent Session

The LES Principals and Counselors will hold a parent session on Wednesday, August 25 at 10:30 am. In this session, we will provide information about on-site and off-site learning during hybrid and information about upcoming events. We will also share information about how parents can support their children’s learning on the home front. This session can be accessed through the following LINK. This session will be recorded and posted on the LES Teneen divisional page.

Supply Lists

Supply lists for the new school year can be accessed through the Lower Elementary School Teneen page. We encourage students to bring their school supplies with them to school during the first week of school.

Physical Education Uniforms

Please refer HERE for more information about Physical education uniforms.


ASD’s DragonCards are used for identification as well as making purchases at school. New students will be issued DragonCards on their orientation day. Returning students should all already have a DragonCard from last year. If a student has lost his/her DragonCard, please inform the Elementary Office. A new card will be issued to your child and the amount of 50 QR will be deducted from your child’s card. More information about DragonCard accounts please refer to THIS link.

PACT Tuesdays

On most Tuesdays during the year, ASD holds afternoon PACT (Professional and Collaborative Time) for faculty. Students are dismissed at 12:30 pm on PACT days. Please refer to the ASD school calendar, on the ASD website, for PACT day dates throughout the year. PACT Tuesdays will start on Tuesday, August 31, 2021.

Back to School Night

Back to School Night will be held via Zoom on the afternoon of Wednesday, September 1. During the course of this afternoon, teachers will be sharing a great deal of information pertaining to curriculum and classroom routines/procedures. We encourage all parents to attend these virtual sessions. Zoom session information will be shared with parents in the coming days.

The following are some important notes to remember:

  • Our school hours are as follows:

    • Pre-K 3 and Pre-K 4- 7:55 am to 12:30 pm

    • KG, Grade 1 and Grade 2- 7:55 am to 3:00 pm

For the first week of school only our school day start times will be as mentioned above.

Please ensure that your child brings a labeled water bottle to school every day in order to maintain adequate hydration during the school day.

In order to maintain a strong partnership between home and school, it is essential that effective communication is maintained throughout the year. In order to keep abreast of school news and events we encourage you:

  • To read the Sahifa, the school’s weekly publication

  • To visit Teneen for weekly divisional, homeroom, and specialist learning updates

We are looking forward to an enjoyable and educationally enriched school year.


Dr. Lana Al-Aghbar

Lower Elementary School Principal

What's on les

Updated Every Friday in Teneen!

Be sure to visit our LES Teneen page, for up-to-date information.

What's On LES

Sun, Aug 22

  • New Student Orientation

Mon, Aug 23

  • First Day of 2021-2022 School Year

  • Day A on site

Tue, Aug 24

  • Day B on site

Wed, Aug 25

  • LES Principal/Counselor Parent Session, 10:30 am - 11:30 am, Zoom Link

  • Day A on site

Thu, Aug 26

  • Day B on site

Check out our section on Teaching and Learning

Bus Registration 2021-2022

Dear ASD Parents,

Bus service is scheduled to begin on Sunday, August 29 (Day A).

Registration for this year’s bus ridership is now at full capacity and schedules are already being finalized.

If you still wish to register your student(s) please fill out the Bus Service Application Form 2021 - 2022 via this LINK and you will be placed on a waitlist.

We will do our best to accommodate your request as spots become available depending upon routes and bus capacity limitations.

Message from ASD Nursing

Greetings From ASD Nursing,

The Nursing Department is busy trying to gauge how many of our eligible students have already been FULLY vaccinated against COVID-19. If your child has received the COVID-19 vaccine, please fill out the survey. If your child has not received the vaccine yet but you plan to have them vaccinated, please wait until your student is fully vaccinated before filling out this survey. The survey will remain active until further notice. In addition, if you have more than one vaccinated student in your house please fill out the survey for EACH vaccinated student. Please do not combine students in one survey response. We look forward to sharing this information with you all as we get responses. Looking forward to a safe, healthy, and productive school year.

Please fill out the form HERE.

A Message from the Business Office

Dear Parents,

First semester invoices for the 2021/22 SY are due by Tuesday, August 24, 2021. Thank you to the majority of families who have already paid tuition fees. If you are a private pay parent and still need to settle your first-semester invoice, please approach the Business Office between the hours of 7:45 am and 3:45 pm.

Business Office

Tel: 4499-1144 or 4459-1520

Email: htziatas@asd.edu.qa or lvega@asd.edu.qa