Learning Service


ASD HS students take part in learning service experiences as a part of their graduation requirements.

From the class of 2021 and onwards (Grades 9 through 11, in the 2019-2020 school year), students are required to show and document two extended commitments to a community service or global concern during their time at ASD. This commitment is meant to span a significant portion of the school year. This work is showcased and celebrated at the annual HS Celebration of Service in April.

Potential Service Commitments may include but are not limited to:

    • Active Role in Various Service Clubs (Girl Up, Environment Club, NJHS etc)
    • Extensions from Service Trips (please see the section below)
    • Volunteer Campaigns (working with local organizations like QAWS, Hamad Hospital etc)
    • Awareness Campaigns
    • Fundraising Campaigns

The detailed service learning requirements for students in the class of 2021 and beyond can be found HERE.

Students in the class 2020 (Grade 12 in the 2019-20 school year) need to accrue ten service hours for each year they are registered at ASD.

Our catalogue of existing service groups can also be accessed here.

All Learning service support documents can be found on the Learning Service Libguide.


As a part of a drive to raise awareness about the different types of community service, speakers are brought in from a variety of backgrounds to share their experiences in with students in conservation, development, relief, and humanitarianism.

Many of the speakers that have been featured, started development NGOs that are still active today, as gap year projects or fresh out of college.

The Series also highlights the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in the context of our speakers’ work and is hosted by the ASD Chapter of Amnesty International.