About Booster CLub
The American School of Doha Booster Club is a dynamic group of parent volunteers whose primary goal is to support the extensive and exciting ASD Athletics and Activities program across the Elementary, Middle and High School. Our main goal is to promote ASD school spirit within our community and to support our students as they take part in a variety of athletics and activities including academic games, forensics and Senior Fine Arts.
We provide an extensive range of activities such as the extremely popular monthly hot dog lunches for MS/HS students, providing concessions at the many athletics and activities events across the campus for home and visiting teams and their supporters as well as participating in a variety of school events campus wide. In addition, we have an incredible Booster Club Store which stocks an amazing range of ASD Dragon merchandise such as sweatshirts, t-shirts, water bottles, swim caps and many, many, other exciting spirit goods.
The Booster Club welcomes parents across all grade levels to get involved. It is a fantastic way of getting to know the ASD community and make new friends. It is another great opportunity to stay connected to the school and no previous experience is required.