High School
November 24, 2021
From the High School Principal's Desk
Dear High School Community,
We want to thank our parents for being such an outstanding group of care and time givers. The past week has provided an insight into how much time our parent community gives to our students. Friday morning saw the majority of our Seniors gather at the 2022 building for a Senior photo shoot. It was a stellar event that required immense logistical management skills - not least in ensuring our Seniors were awake and prepared at 7:45 am on a weekend. There was also the 3X3 Basketball Tournament immediately afterwards supported by our parents, which was another huge success. We thank you for making our school a place that creates life-long memories.
COVID-19 Updates
No COVID-19 cases this week in the High School, which is always good news!
We reiterate our plea to parents not to send their children to school if they exhibit symptoms related to COVID-19. Please err on the side of caution and take them to be tested.
Weill Cornell Medicine - Qatar’s High School Medical Conference
On April 10, 2021 Weill Cornell Medicine - Qatar hosted a Research Competition in which 41 High School teams (6 from ASD) virtually presented their research poster on various topics in front of a panel of judges. 21 teams were then chosen to present at WCM-Q’s High School Medical Conference, including the following teams from ASD:
Team 9
Theme: Ensure Sustainable Production and Consumption Patterns
Topic: Sustainable Local Food Production
Team Leader: Anita Abrams
Team Members: Aditri Patil, Tara Tafreshi, and Mridula Sathyanarayanan
Team 11
Theme: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Topic: A Potential Solution to the CAD Issue of Qatar
Team Leader: Clare Alexander
Team Members: Muhammed Numayr Khan, Kareem Kabbani, Lucas Schmidt, Anthony Makhlouf
Team 31
Theme: Understanding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
Topic: Effects Of Covid-19 On Mental Health of Adolescents
Team Leader: Maria Manacheril
Team Members: Omar Abdallah, Rami Ayeche, Ibrahim Al-Hassani, Bassam Almoli, & Mohamed AlThani
The WCM-Q High School Medical Conference was held over Zoom. Teams 9, 11, and 31 each presented their research posters three times to three different judges. Once all the presentations were concluded, the judges tallied the scores and selected the final three teams to present, which included two teams from DeBakey High School and Team 31 from ASD. Team 31 was exceptionally poised as they presented their research in front of over 200 participants and remained cool under pressure when faced with tough questions from the panel of expert judges. After careful deliberation, the winner of the competition was announced - Team 31 from ASD! Congratulations to Omar, Rami, Ibrahim, Bassam, & Mohamed for this outstanding accomplishment! We also offer congratulations to all the ASD participants, as well as the teachers who advised them.
Senior Surprise
This week saw another Senior Surprise - thanks to our magnificent Junior Senior Committee for their commitment to our Senior students. Here are some photos of the event. Enjoy.
Dress Code Update
We continue to enforce our dress code expectations. So far, our students should be commended for adhering to these expectations. No one has been sent home, yet.
Production Updates
The production is nearly here. Get your tickets for an artistic extravaganza!
Click HERE to purchase your tickets! Recommended for ages 8 and up.
AP Updates
With only three weeks until the school winter break, students in AP classes should be focused on demonstrating their learning on the important assessment tasks that remain this semester. The AP Coordinator has continued to meet with teachers, counselors, and students to have conversations about courses where student achievement indicates some struggle, with the goal of supporting and providing structures to support these students in their learning. We encourage parents and students to contact and meet with AP teachers if there are such concerns, including in the case where formative grades indicate that important foundational learning is not taking place. With multiple summative tasks still remaining in most courses, all AP students need to make efforts to reinforce and build on their learning to this point in preparation for Semester 2 and the eventual summative AP exams in May of 2022. If you have any questions about our AP Courses or the AP Capstone Diploma program, please contact our AP Coordinator at: joshua.giddens@asd.edu.qa
IBDP Diploma Updates
IBDP and University Admissions
This week at Counselor Coffee there was a session dedicated to the benefits of the IBDP and its support of University applications for our students. The IBDP focuses on enabling our students to “become creative problem-solvers and lifelong independent thinkers”(IBO,2021). The syllabus is built on inquiry-based learning. If parents are interested in learning more about the IBDP please use this link HERE, dedicated to supporting parents. If you have any questions or you would like additional information please do not hesitate to contact the IBDP Coordinator, Ms. Katrina Charles at katrina.charles@asd.edu.qa
Teaching and Learning Moment
The Business class just wrapped up presentations for their summative project, the 20 Riyal Challenge. Students were given seed funding of 20 QAR and were tasked with coming up with a business idea that they could plan and operate. Students worked for several weeks on a business plan where they learned about their target market, gathered primary research on their product/services, and delved into the global industry and the Qatari market. All of this work culminated with the 'business week' where students executed their businesses. As in the real world, some were successful and some were not. Overall, though, the experience of coming up with a business and putting it into action was the goal. They learned a lot and some are even considering continuing it through the rest of the year. In the end, the 3 classes combined earned close to 10,000QAR from their ventures.
Service Updates
In our desire to ensure our parent community has more access to Learning Service information, we have provided access for parents on the “Learning Service” tab on the HS Office Teneen page. The same information is available on the HS Student Teneen Page for students. Supplementary information can also be accessed on our Learning Service Libguide. This page is now updated and live.
Last week, we concluded Water Week with a virtual visit by Evan Wesley from the Thirst Project. Even spoke at length about how SDG #6 Clean Water and Sanitation is intricately linked to and supports other SDGs. You can find his talk and Q&A session here.The activities also concluded with a cupcake sale to build wells in Ghana over the 2021-2022 year through Ryan’s Wells. This will see the construction of five additional deep wells in the Ashanti region. These new wells will benefit one community (Amudurase Village), two health centers (Abosamso CH and Tebeso I CHP) and two schools (Ahweam School and Amponya Krofrom School). Altogether, this project will provide clean water to over 10,699 people.
This week, in our Service Speaker Series, we welcomed Dr. Ben Muller from South Africa who spoke to the Conservation and EFFECT Clubs about the use of anesthesia in the transport of large cats. This is a key part of predator management in conservation. You can find his session here.
We would like to remind you about the Social Entrepreneurship course that ASD has partnered with Schoolyard Ventures and the University of Pennsylvania. Please see the link for details. Students who successfully complete this course will earn a certificate from the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Social Policy and Practice. The deadline to commit is Wed, December 1.

By now, all Grade 9 and 10 students should have formally joined a service club and have met. If your child has not heard from a club that they have signed up for, please have them email the contacts on the club’s slide on the Virtual Service Job Fair. If they have done this and have not yet heard back, please have them email Mr. Shang (cshang@asd.edu.qa) who will help them get in touch with the teacher sponsor of the group.
Also by this point in time, all Grade 9 and 10 students should have loaded their service commitments into Managebac. Please check with your child. In most cases, students should have done this through their service club at one of the meetings. In case they were not able to, the detailed instructions for this are here. Students should have completed Part A and B ONLY (Part C will be done at the end of the year)
For questions about service or IBDP CAS at ASD, please contact Mr. Shang at cshang@asd.edu.qa.
Overseas School Project
Overseas School Project works in conjunction with the U.S. Department of State's Office of Overseas Schools and the College Board's Overseas Schools Project, an initiative aimed at helping American families (and their international friends) navigate the admission and financial aid process in the United States. On Wednesday, December 1 at 6:00 pm we will be virtually hosting our OSP Representative as he covers the following topics:
1. Holistic admission through the lens of highly selective universities
2. Extracurricular involvement in a pandemic
3. Test-Optional, Test Flexible, Test Blind
4. Hits and Misses in the personal statement
5. Need vs. Merit aid
We look forward to seeing everyone at our virtual event and you can join the Zoom session here
Counselor Coffee
Thank you to everyone that joined us both in person and virtually for our counselor coffee this month. You can find the recording here as well as all resources from the presentation on our teneen page here.
Counselor Course
Our Grade 9 Counselor Course started this week! All Grade 9 students went on scavenger hunts during the counselor course to learn where to find important people and information within the High School!
Book Study
Are you interested in participating in our first book study? If so, please register your interest by completing the enclosed form. The form will be open for the entirety of next week and more information will be communicated out after that. If you have any questions, please get in touch with Dr. Jones at aaron.jones@asd.edu.qa.
University Visits
Please check out our teneen page for virtual university visits and fairs that are happening around the world!
We encourage students and parents to check out the HS Counseling Teneen page within the Main HS Office as it has lots of resources available for students and parents.
Thank you.
Michael Roberts
High School Principal
American School of Doha
What's On HS
Thu, Nov 25
US Thanksgiving Holiday, No School
Sun, Nov 28
MS/HS Day 4
MESAC Season 2 Sports Begin
Mon, Nov 29
MS/HS Day 1
Tue, Nov 30
MS/HS Day 2
On-Campus IT Session, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm, MSHS Library, Penthouse Room B, pre-registration required HERE
PACT Tuesday, 12:30 pm dismissal
Wed, Dec 1
MS/HS Day 3
Virtual IT Session, 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm, via Zoom
Thu, Dec 2
MS/HS Day 4
Be sure to visit our What's On HS Teneen page, for more information on divisional ASD events. Updated every FRIDAY!
Check out our section on Teaching and Learning
IT Information Sessions
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Please join me, Jeff Kersting, Director of Innovation and Technology, for an informative session regarding our online tools at ASD. We'll spend an hour together while I demonstrate Classlink, Teneen, DragonCard, etc...whatever time allows!
Two sessions will be held, one on-campus and the other virtual.
Please note: due to COVID-19 restrictions, the on-campus session will need to be limited to the first 30 participants. All participants will need to complete the signup form below. You will receive a confirmation email from me if you are one of the first 30.
ON-CAMPUS SESSION: Tuesday, November 30, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm in the MSHS Library, Penthouse Room B
VIRTUAL (ZOOM) SESSION: Wednesday, December 1, 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm through this Zoom link.
Hope to see you there!
Mr. Jeff Kersting
Holiday Mug Fundraiser
The High School service clubs, Girl Up Qatar and the Art & Design Club, are collaborating to fundraise for the Chamunda school in Nepal. The American School of Doha financially assists the Chamunda school in order for them to afford educational supplies, textbooks, food, and salaries for their teachers. We would greatly appreciate your support by purchasing our uniquely designed mugs!
Mugs are dishwasher and microwave safe.
Each mug costs 35 QAR.
The money will be deducted from your DragonCard.
*Last Day to Order is Tue, Nov 30, 2021
Pre-A-Portrait Sale Extended!

ASD YouTube Consent Form: Due Wed, Dec 15
To Parents and Guardians,
Google now requires more parental permission to use its various platforms. We currently provide a Google Workspace for Education account for your child. Google Workspace for Education has been evolving over the last decade. It is identified as a set of education productivity tools from Google, including, but not limited to, Gmail, Calendar, Docs, Classroom, and more, and used by tens of millions of students and teachers worldwide.
For example, students at the American School of Doha use their Google Workspace for Education accounts to complete assignments, communicate with their teachers, and learn 21st-century digital citizenship skills.
To complement Google’s Workspace for Education subscription, Google has clarified their other services that fall outside the scope of our Google Workspace for Education subscription. One of their more highly utilized services from the “additional services list” is YouTube. ASD enhances its curriculum through many web-based media and application sites, and more arise every day. YouTube is the leading content application for many diverse and educational materials. We would be remiss if we didn’t amplify the education of our students through the use of YouTube's services. Specifically, at ASD, YouTube enhances the delivery of our curriculum through gaining access to free, high-quality lecture content, sharing and collaborating on student work, reinforcing class materials and lessons, demonstrating labs and experiments, keeping content relevant and recent, and many more ways of extending students’ learning.
Since YouTube is classified as an “additional service” and falls outside of our Google Workspace for Education subscription, Google requires parental/guardian permission for those “additional services.” ASD continues to utilize sources across the Internet to enhance and expand our curriculum delivery. By providing consent for your child to access those outstanding resources, they will continue to access those essential resources in the learning process. We ask that you please provide your permission by authorizing and submitting the form HERE.
If you have any questions, please contact Jeff Kersting, Director of Innovation and Technology.
Thank you,
Jeff Kerstings
Director of Innovation and Technology
American School of Doha
Short Film WorkShop
We are looking for female participants aged 15-23 who are residents and citizens of Qatar. Whenever possible, the sessions will be held face to face on Saturday afternoons in February-April 2022 at the Katara Art Center.
The program will be led and facilitated by Dr. Mohanalakshmi Rajakumar, novelist/screenwriter, and Professor Christina Paschyn, journalist and documentary filmmaker, funded by the Public Affairs Office of the American Embassy, and in conjunction with the Qatar America Institute as a screening partner for completed films.
This is a two-phase program; Phase One will focus on Screenwriting and Phase Two on Production, to be held from February - April 2022. The program is free and open to the general public. All who are eligible are encouraged to apply. Please fill out THIS application before December 1, 2021.**
Through a series of connected screenwriting and filmmaking workshops, this program will foster the individual and communal development of aspiring content creators in topical areas important to community development and global engagement.
The program will involve weekly seminar-style class meetings, that cover screenplay writing, different approaches to presenting engaging topics, drafting and workshopping their own screenplays as well as producing, directing, and editing their own microfilms.
At the end of the first part of the program, each participant will use her new writing skills and content knowledge to create a ten-page screenplay.
We hope to see you there!
From our School Community
Booster Club 3 X 3 Basketball Tournament
Congratulations to the Champions of this past weekend 3 x 3 Tournament and to the Skills Competition winners!
Championship Winners
High School Boys: Kylie Irving, The GOAT team, Kieran, Noah, Rohan, and Sami
High School Girls: Hot Shots, Claire, Kamelia, Nadeem, and Ashley;
Middle School: Green Beans, Mateo, Sai, Jaxon, and Cameron
Skills Competition Winners
High School
3 pointer Competition - William Genetti
Skills Competition - Ashwarye
Middle School
3 Pointer Competition - Cameron Bowyer
Skills Competition - Stellon Twill
Thank you to Chevron Phillips for sponsoring the event and to all the coaches, teachers, staff, and volunteers who helped organize this event.
Hot Dog Lunch Sign Up
A link will be sent directly to students and staff to pre-order hot dogs; hot dogs can also be ordered by scanning the barcode in the flyer.
It has been a full and exciting week for the Class of 2022! Over the weekend, the Senior Class had the amazing opportunity to participate in a class photo taken at the new 2022 Building. It was an incredible experience. A few days later, the Class of 2022 enjoyed their November Senior Surprise of beautifully decorated cupcakes and inspirational messages. Many thanks to all the wonderful parent volunteers who helped make both of these events happen.
PTA Culture: November Happenings in Qatar
Qatar is full of exciting events year round. November highlights include exhibition openings, events, programs and such in the art/culture/tourism sector. For more information on events, please click here or contact Roqueya at ptaculture@asd.edu.qa